Many hands make light work


Out of frustration a few days ago I reached out to the soy sauce company we use directly.

I told them that we are having an extremely hard time buying their product at a reasonable cost for the amount were buying. Then, went on to explain how we have been buying their products straight off the trucks at a retail cost and when they run out we have been ordering it off the internet and paying INSANE prices for shipping.

Guess what???

They responded and gave me the contact information for their distributor!!

I was so happy!

So the next day I reached out to the distributor and gave them the same speech on how I need to get the cost down. The company told me they couldn't help me ,but as soon as I started to feel disappointed they directed me to another person in the business.

hero of the week^^^

She spent the next hour helping me contact their buyers and found someone who could get me a better rate. 36% better actually!

She probably doesn't even realIze what she has done but she took an hour of her time and made a HUGE impact on my business!

If you're reading this think about how your small positive actions can make huge impacts in other people's lives. Everyone can make a difference.

These three people impacted my life.

Thanks for all the support yall,

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